
Merchants & Guilds

Carthage - about 800 years BCE. Founded as a humble trading post by the Phoenicians, the city quickliy grew to an important trade hub whereprecious goods from all across the ancient world are traded.


Players represent merchants who attempt to increase their wealth and influence while improving their status within the merchant's guild. Players try to become Carthage's greatest merchant; this achieved bey loading wares, financing expeditions and exerting influences in clever ways.


"CARTHAGO - Merchants & Guilds" is an extraordinary card driven tactic game which demands making the righ decisions at the right time!


NOW with promo tiles "Golden Achievements"! (as long as stock lasts)


Rules Carthago: Merchants & Guilds
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 4.7 MB


  • 10 boards

  • 136 cards

  • 51 wooden pieces

  • 10 tiles, rulebook (Eng/Ger/Fre)

  •  2-4 Players

  • +12 Years

  • Playing Time 90 minutes

Pictures of Carthago

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Game's Up - Board Game Heroes make games with passion. From players for players, we try to produce new games every year, that are played over and over again. We test them countless times with different groups to get the best out of each game. Then we put a lot of effort into bringing a great produced game to the table. Everything is printed in high quality and of course with wooden parts. You share our passion for board games? Then take a look at our growing portfolio!